Rules of Play server

Rules of Play server
(version on 27.09.2023)

1. The server is owned by the Russian Public Organization “Union of Correspondence Chess Players” (UCCP). The server modernization and maintenance are made from membership fees of the organization. Members of the UCCP board manage the server. All tournaments are held on a non-commercial basis. Any tournament is free of charge for participations.
2. The following types of chess are maintained on the server:
a. Classical chess: according to the “Rules of the Game of Chess” (classical chess) adopted at the 93rd FIDE Congress in 2022 in Chennai (India);
b. Chess 960 (Fischer Chess): according to the ‘Rules of the Game of Chess’, section II, adopted at the 93rd FIDE Congress in 2022 in Chennai (India);
c. King’s Chess: according to the ‘International Rules of King’s Chess’ version dated on 21.05.2020;
d. Anglo-Boer chess: according to the ‘Rules and Explanations of Anglo-Boer Chess’ version dated 12.05.2021;
e. Chess-100: according to the ‘Rules and Explanations of Chess-100’ version dated 06.01.2021;
f. Rapid chess: according to the ‘Rules of the Game of Chess’ (classical chess) adopted at the 93rd FIDE Congress in 2022 in Chennai (India).
3. The server is designed for the correspondence chess tournaments with 10 days or more time control per game for each participant. Friendly games between two participants and games with less than 10 days' control are not supported by the server.
4. Registration is required to participate in competitions held on the server.
5. The server has own qualification system of UCCP. This qualification system is the same for different types of chess. A player who has qualified in one type of chess has the same rank in other types of chess. Moreover, upon registration, every chess player is given a specific rank from 0 (highest) to 5 (lowest), depending on his qualification and/or ICCF chess title. By playing in UCCP tournaments, chess players can receive the following titles: officer, cavalier, commander, and master. Titles are lifelong awarded. The certificate will be sent after the title has been received.
6. On the UCCP server there is an own rating system. Each type of chess has own rating calculation. The initial UCCP rating for classic chess, rapid chess and chess-960 (Fischer chess) is established identical for everyone and does not consider the chess player’s rating of RCCA, ICCF, etc. For other types of chess, the rating of the chess player in RCCA, ICCF, etc. may be considered.
7.Chess engines can only be used for classical, rapid, and chess-960 (Fischer chess). For King’s and Anglo-Boer chess, the use of engines and playing programs adapted to these types of chess is prohibited. The use of any chess engines and playing programs for Chess-100 is prohibited.
8. To register on the server you should enter: email address, last name, first name, date of birth, country, region or city of residence, telephone number and your own password.
After clicking the “register” button, a message is sent to the email address specified by the chess player with a request to confirm its receipt by clicking on the link contained in the message. After confirmation, no notifications are received; the chess player should wait for some time (from several minutes up to 24 hours) for the site administrator to accept his registration. After the site administrator accepts the registration, the chess player receives a notification about this by email. The completion of registration is verified by the chess player himself by logging into the server using his password.
9. A registered player is allowed to submit and cancel applications for tournaments, communicate with other players during the tournament, receive messages from the tournament director, send to TD appeals, download games in pgn format, watch playing games in real time or with a delay of five moves if it is provided by tournament regulations and browse completed games and tournament cross tables.
10. An application for a tournament can be cancelled by a chess player before it is reviewed by the organizer. A message on acceptance or refusal of an application is sent to the chess player via the server after the organizer has reviewed it. This message is generated automatically, and you do not need to respond to it. As soon as the application has been accepted it is impossible to cancel it by the player himself. To refuse an application for the tournament in this case you should notify the server administrator (A. Kozlov) or the tournament organizer (S. Matyukhin). 5-10 days before the start of the tournament, the organizer draws lots, and the list of applications is compiled into a table. After the draw of lots is made, refusal to participate in the tournament is possible only if there is a significant reason. Otherwise, the applicant will receive defeats in all games.
11. Unregistered users, can read information on the server, view tournament tables, watch completed and playing games in real time or with a delay of five moves if provided by the Tournament Regulations.
12. Server actions during play:
a. Drag and drop of pieces does not work on the server. A move on the server is carried out by clicking on the field where a piece is located and next clicking where the piece should move. After rearrangement of piece on the board, confirmation of the move made is required (to press the button ‘Make Move’). For castling and promote a pawn, you need to press the additional button ‘Make Move’ appearing higher than move box.
b. The server allows you to make moves according to the type of chess specified in the Rules. A move that is impossible for a particular type of chess is blocked by the server.
c. When reaching specific positions checkmate, stalemate, and there is no way to make a mandatory move with the king in King’s chess the result of the game is recorded automatically by the server.
d. When the time limit is exceeded by one of players, a defeat is recorded automatically.
13. Recording of the results based on a player and TD actions:
a. A player can resign a game at any time, both during his own and opponent's turn, by pressing the 'Resign' button at the bottom left.
b. The player, along with his move, can offer a draw to an opponent, who can accept it before sending his next move or reject it with making a move.
c. If a position is repeated three times, the player may claim a draw by asking the TD with no move to make.
d. In classical chess, rapid chess and chess-960 (Fischer chess) positions with 6- and 7-pieces endings are adjudicated by the TD. In this case player can appeal to TD according to ending bases without making his move.
e. Players can appeal to the arbiter for fixing the result: a win, when it's obvious, or a draw, when the offer is rejected by the opponent. If a game has not been played for a win for some time and the position does not change significantly. Such appeals should be asked for after the 80th move.
14. Tournament participants can communicate with each other by sending and receiving messages. They should behave correctly not allowing rudeness or insults, and refraining from discussing political topics.
15. Withdrawal from a tournament without a valid reason, delaying play in hopeless positions, stop of play to allow for delays, stop of play for more than 30 days without warning the TD, mirror play in one or more tournaments, playing under an assumed name or for another person are violations of sports ethics. Such violations may lead to disciplinary sanctions against such chess players.
16. When situations are not covered by these Rules, the TD makes decisions based on the principles outlined in the preface to the FIDE Rules based on common sense and objectivity.
17. Chess players who allow time delays without a valid reason may be suspended for a period from 3 to 12 months by the decision of the UCCP Board. Until the decision of the UCCP Board, the organizer has the right to refuse applications for new tournaments from such players.
18. The awarding of prize-winners is made in accordance with the tournament regulations. Awards to Russian chess players who are not members of the UCCP can be presented on condition that the prize-winner pays the cost of the award and its shipping in advance. The awarding of prizes to foreign chess players is decided on an individual basis. Members of the UCCP receive awards after a tournament is finished on a free of charge basis.
19. Tournament director.
a. A TD is appointed in each tournament. He is in charge of the tournament's smooth continuation and interacts with the organizer.
b. A TD monitors the progress of games, answers questions and inquiries from the participants.
c. A TD cannot be a participant in the tournament he is a TD of.
d. A TD has the right:
- to fix a draw when a position is repeated three times based on the statement of one of the participants;
- to fix the result based on 6- or 7-pieces endings;
- to fix the result in an obviously drawn or absolutely won position;
- to record a defeat to a participant for a violation of sports ethics;
- to set the result to 0:0 if there are no responses from participants when they were asked by the arbiter;
- if necessary, adjust the time on clocks in the games;
- exclude a player from the tournament if he/she violates the rules.
20. If a tournament participant withdraws after being informed about the impossibility of continuing play or if the participant remains silent, the TD has the right:
a. Set a loss in all remaining games of a withdrawn player.
b. Stop all remaining games of a withdrawn player and submit them for an adjudication.
c. Eliminate a participant and set a loss in all remaining games of such a player.
d. Request the tournament organizer to replace the withdrawn participant.
21. Tournament Organizer:
a. Posts announcements of new competitions (tournaments) on the server, indicating the type of chess, time control and other rules of the competition.
b. Accepts or rejects submitted applications. If there are too many applications and when deciding to create another similar tournament the remaining applications can be transferred to another tournament (with the same conditions) in accordance with applicants’ agreement.
c. Appoints a tournament director.
d. Starts the tournament.
The Organizer can:
- before the start of the tournament, change its conditions: time control, and/or start date;
- exclude participants from the tournament and/or include new participants in the tournament;
- replace the TD during the competition;
- appoint an adjudicator;
- set qualification norms for players of the tournament;
- make decisions in cases where the TD’s rights are insufficient or not defined;
- terminate or temporarily suspend the tournament.

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